Army installs first POET filtration system in Selah


YAKIMA, Wash.-The Army has installed the first Point of Entry Treatment filtration system in an East Selah home.

The Yakima Training Center and contractors with the U.S. Army Environmental Command announced that the first filtration system in a home affected by PFAS contamination near the YTC was installed on August 31.

The Army is installing POET whole-house filtration systems in homes near the YTC that test positive for PFAS above 70 parts per trillion. According to a press release from YTC, PFAS from a foam firefighting agent previously used on the base has impacted the groundwater for some nearby homes.

Contractors will monitor the POET system for eight weeks after installation before it is officially certified for use. The Army will continue to provide bottled water to residents during those eight weeks.

71 wells serving 87 locations in East Selah have tested above 70 ppt for PFAS. According to YTC’s press release the order of installation of the POET systems will be based on PFAS concentration levels, geography of wells, water consumption rates and the amount of time the home has received bottled water.

The POET systems are uniquely designed for each home and installed by contractors, electricians and plumbers according to the Army.

The Army does not release the specific locations of POET installations to protect the identity of residents, but construction of the next filtration system is expected to begin in the next few weeks.


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