$60 million will help Washington fight fentanyl epidemic


OLYMPIA, Wash.-In the next three months Walmart will pay $62.6 million to Washington state for its role in the opioid epidemic and several local cities and counties will be receiving funds.

Walmart agreed to the settlement after an investigation into the role of its pharmacy in aiding the opioid epidemic by the Washington Attorney General’s Office that resulted in 11 companies agreeing to a $1.1 billion resolution.

All eligible local governments in Washington signed onto the resolution according to the AG’s Office and the $62.6 million from Walmart will be split between the state and local jurisdictions, with half of the funds going to the state and the other half being divided among cities and counties.

Under the legally binding resolution the funds must be used to help combat the opioid epidemic. The AG’s Office has provided a full, updated list showing what local government’s across the state will receive.

Local Cities and Counties receiving funds to combat opioid epidemic:


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