YVC board responds to union’s no confidence vote


YAKIMA, Wash.- The Yakima Valley College (YVC) Board of Trustees has released a statement on the recent no confidence vote by the Yakima faculty union.

The American Federation of Teachers (AFT-Y) faculty union informed the board of its no confidence vote in President Linda Kaminski on May 10 and announced the vote at the public board meeting in May.

The no confidence vote stemmed from frustration over YVC’s Teacher Education Program, which is not accepting applicants for the 2023-24 academic year so the college can have a planning year.

The YVC Board of Trustees released the following statement in response to the AFT-Y no confidence vote in President Kaminski:

The role of the Board of Trustees is governance of the institution. It is not to intervene in the established process or to overturn the decisions of administration whose primary responsibility is the effective operation of the college.

We the Board commend the president for her 28-year commitment to putting students first. President Kaminski has been and continues to be an effective leader. We the Board have seen no evidence of financial mismanagement, no evidence of lack of transparency or evidence of retaliation. Therefore, we the Board of Trustees will continue to fully support her as the President of this College.


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