Yakima man charged for open firing onto Sheriff’s deputies


YAKIMA, Wash.- Man charged for open firing onto Yakima County sheriff Deputies.

On August 1 two Yakima County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a call at 990 South Fork Road.

When officers arrived they met Jennifer Borgman and her mother, Lisa Brawn. Deputies were informed that Lisa and her mother wanted assistance in removing themselves and their children from the home.

Officers found that Jennifer’s husband John Borgman was inside the home.

According to Jennifer, John was not supposed to be in the home.

John was supposed to be detoxing at an uncle’s house.

According to Court documents, deputies approached the front door with Jennifer, moments after the door was opened John made a statement that he knew police were at his home.

John then opened fire on the deputies while his wife was present.

Deputy Watkins was hit with gunfire and both deputies fled from the front porch.

John exited the home and shot at the deputies a second time, hitting Deputy Watkins in his arm and abdomen.

Deputy Watkins and Deputy Wilkinson then drove away from the home to the West Valley Fire Station to receive medical attention from firefighters at the station.

While waiting for transportation to the hospital and backup units, a naked man was walking towards the area of South Fork Road.

When backup units arrived Deputy Wilkinson took John Borgman into custody.

John was then charged with two counts of Assault 1st degree. And one count of assault 2nd-degree domestic violence.


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