Boil advisory in Terrace Heights extended until next week


YAKIMA, Wash. – According to the Yakima County news flash, the boil water advisory for Zone 2a of the Terrace heights Water system will remain in effect to at least the first of next week, August 14.

On Monday, August 7, three water samples were collected and results from one of the samples was ‘unsatisfactory’. The unsatisfactory sample was not positive for E. coli, but was for coliform bacteria.

Coliform bacteria is unlikely to cause illness, however, it’s presence in drinking water indicates that disease-causing organisms (such as E. coli) could also be present.

Yakima County collected additional samples on August 8, hoping to identify the extent and source of the bacteria.

The Washington State Department of Health is working with Yakima County and meeting with residents in the area to determine the possible source of the bacteria.

Those in Zone 2a are asked to flush water from each faucet for approximately five minutes to ensure that chlorinated water is passing through all parts of their household plumbing.

If any resident is aware of a connection between the domestic water system and their irrigation system or swimming pool or any other source of non-potable water, they are advised to contact the Yakima County Public Services so these connections can be checked.

According to their website, Yakima County will be flushing waterlines in the area again today (August 9).

The flushing may cause discoloration in the water due to iron and manganese deposits found within the waterlines. Iron and manganese are not a health concern, but if this occurs, customers can flush water from their hose or faucet until the water runs clear.


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