What local family has to say about FDA authorization of Pfizer booster shots for kids


KENNEWICK, Wash. – The Food and Drug Administration announced Tuesday morning that Pfizer-BioNTech booster shots can be administered to children ages 5-11.

This now means anyone ages 5 and older can get vaccinated and boosted.

“We are very happy to get back to our lives and this vaccine helped make it possible for that,” said Adam Greenwalt, father of a 6-year-old and 8-year-old.

His children, Elfriede and Silas Greenwalt, got fully vaccinated last year.

“This whole pandemic, non of us have gotten COVID,” said mom, Galen Greenwalt.

“I want to get the booster because now I can be extra safe,” said Silas.

Silas and Elfriede said they have enjoyed getting out by going to gymnastics, restaurants, family reunions and other after-school activities.

The children also say getting vaccinated helps keep their grandmother, who is battling cancer, safer from the COVID disease.

To find the closest place near you to get vaccinated or boosted, click here.


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