Kennewick Fire chief give tips on protecting against fire hazards with arborvitae trees


KENNEWICK, Wash. – After two recent fires involving arborvitae trees, the Kennewick Fire Department asks that the community keep their arborvitae trees clean, cut, trimmed and away from buildings.

“This who row of trees behind me could catch fire quickly and spread even quicker,” said KFD Chief Chad Michael.

Michael calls the arborvitae tree one of the “most flammable vegetations.”

These trees, popularly planted near houses and buildings to block wind and give resident privacy, were conduits that made two Kennewick fires spread fast.

Chief Michael says these trees should be about 30 to 100 feet distanced from your home or building. Any closer could be very hazardous.

Chief Michael also suggests that people invest in good landscaping to assure your arborvitae trees are cut and trimmed.

You can even dump your trees trimmings and landscaping waste at the Kennewick Waste Management site at 2627 S Ely Street.


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