Warming centers around the Tri-Cities expected to get busy


KENNEWICK, Wash. – The frigid temperatures mean people need a place to warm up. The Mid-Columbia Libraries Union branch in Kennewick’s Assistant Manager said it’s not been cold but says she expects more people.

Katie Ames, the Assistant Manager at the Union Branch, said they are one of many branches opening their doors to get people out of the cold.

“A lot of times, people will come in to find something to do to stay warm,” said Ames. “We have a really great fireplace that helps to keep people warm as well and it’s just a cozy place to be.”

Ames said that with the rising home prices, they are seeing a lot of homeless people come in.

Colten Webb is a resident at the Tri-Cities Union Gospel Mission. Webb said he used to be homeless and needed a place to get warm and the Gospel Mission took him in.

“A warming station is a good place to come and get warm,” Webb said. “There’s no judgment here, and all the staff members care deeply.”

The Director of the UGM, Aaron Burtner, said they are no strangers to warming centers. He said they do this year after year.

“We open our day room to folks that just need to get in out of the cold,” said Burtner. “That’s available 24 hours a day.”

The UGM said if you need to get to them, you’ll have to find a way there. They don’t provide transportation to the campus.

Ames said she’s blown away by how caring it is since moving to the community from Michigan.

“They want to make sure that people are not left behind and that means kids, that means adults, teenagers, that means anybody,” said Ames.

The Community Restoration Market in Kennewick is also opening its doors as a 24-hour shelter for those who need to get out of the cold.


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