Walla Walla VA celebrates Black History Month


WALLA WALLA, WA – The Walla Walla VA celebrated Black History Month virtually this year due to the pandemic.

The theme was acknowledging the legacy of black scholars and medical practitioners in western medicine. Experts took to the screen to talk about things like racial equity improvements and how inclusion improves organizations.

VA staff from all over took part and a big part of the day was a segment on a program called Diversity Speaks.

“We are talking about things that are taboo and stigmatized,” said Dr. Nicole Jackson. “Or we’re talking about experiences of marginalization and even when we’re talking about joy which is part of Diversity Speaks, too, we are still asking people and inviting them into that invitation to share oftentimes deeply personal things about their life and their lived experiences for the benefit of deeper understanding and connection.”

The special guests also talked about how they were able to explain to their colleagues what Juneteenth is with a panel of people to talk about its importance. PTSD, disabilities and English as a second language were also discussed.

Walla Walla VA resources can be found HERE


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