Walla Walla County Elections: what to know


WALLA WALLA, Wash.-Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 7, with ballots due by 8 p.m.

In Walla Walla County the fate of two ballot measures, Proposition 1, a six-year levy lid lift proposed by Fire Protection District #5 and the Prescott joint Parks and Recreation District Levy, will be decided.

If voters approve the levy lid lift, Fire District #5 would use the funding to hire additional firefighters and improve emergency response to keep up with increased call volume.

According to WWCFD, if approved the $0.24 levy lid lift would raise the levy rate to $1.38 per $1,000 of assessed property value, likely costing the owner of a $350,000 home around $7 per month.

What the levy lid lift would fund:

Up to four firefighter positions according to WWCFD5.Renovations to Station 51 to add sleeping quarters for firefighters to allow for faster response times.Renovations to the main station in Burbank.Upgrading diesel exhaust removal systems and decontamination areas for firefighter health and safety.

Voters will also decide Prescott Joint Parks and Recreation’s yearly budget with their “yes” or “no” votes on Proposition 1.

If approved Proposition 1 would fund operations of the Prescott Pool. To pass in Washington a levy must receive 60% of the vote.


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