Tri-Cities Food Bank sees increased need during pandemic, holiday season



The Tri-Cities Food Bank sees an uptick in people coming in during the holidays. Ever since the pandemic started, that need never stopped.

VJ Meadows is the Executive Director at the Tri-Cities Food Bank.

“The need has not gone away and we are just watching for where it pops up so that we make sure in our warehouse that we have the food to meet that need,” said Meadows.

Not only do they provide food, but also holiday meals and resources for people experiencing homelessness.

“We have families that have come in here that got food before, and they came back this year to tell us they now have a home. Two of them. So we are thrilled. We’re part of that process,” said Meadows.

They try and do about one ton of food a week, and site managers watch the trends so they can keep up with the demand. When there is a great need for food, however, they have a need for more help.

“We are here because of the people who donate to us and volunteer,” said Meadows. “We need volunteers and you don’t have to volunteer for every day, you can volunteer for one day a month, one Saturday a month to drive trucks or during the week. We are grateful.”

Between volunteers and donors, the small deeds make big impacts.

“I would like to personally thank everyone who donates. We have children who bring their piggy banks to families who sacrifice from their families,” said Meadows.

If you are interested in volunteering or learning more about the days and hours the food banks are open, you can visit their website or Facebook page.


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