Toxic algae detected at Howard Amon Swim Beach


KENNEWICK, Wash.- According to The Benton-Franklin Health District, toxic algae has been detected at the Howard Amon Swim Beach.

The BFHD has detected Cyanotoxin (toxic algae) levels above recreational guidelines.

The results indicate levels of the neurotoxin, Anatoxin, which is especially dangerous for small children and animals according to the BFHD.

Symptoms can appear within 15-20 minutes of ingestion.

Exposure in animals can cause weakness, staggering, difficulty breathing and death.

Humans may experience numbness of lips or fingers or dizziness. BFHD recommends you seek medical attention if you experience any symptoms.

Recreational use of the water should be avoided according to BFHD.

According to BFHD, algae tests will occur weekly at the Howard Amon swim beach.


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