Topshelf Barber Shop in Richland hands out backpacks full of school supplies and free haircuts


RICHLAND, Wash. – It’s time to get ready to go back to school and a local barber wants to help those in need, not only with looking good but also with school supplies.

Remember the fun of starting back to school? The new clothes, school supplies and haircuts. Topshelf Barber Shop wanted to help parents and set local kids up for success.

Xavier Soto, Co-Owner of Topshelf says “We also need to give back to the community, what you’re getting from the community.”

He partnered up with HAPO Community Credit Union and Century 21 to hand out backpacks full of school supplies.

“You know starting off the year with a fresh image for many kids you know going into a new grade,” said Soto. ” Say like you’re going to middle school, that’s everything. You know we just want to make sure that these kids just feel their best, act their best and be their best.”

The backpacks are full of supplies for the kids to use this upcoming school year. Those who attended were also given free haircuts, many of the kids getting those backpacks and haircuts were excited about the different supplies, like Briana Rodriguez.

She is a Westgate Elementary student and loves art.

“The art supplies,” she said. “I really love art, I’m good at making dogs.”

Soto said he didn’t have a lot growing up with a single mom and four siblings, but some teachers at Park Middle School did something that he will never forget.

“When we first moved here, all the teachers at Park Middle School, they got together and they got us school supplies and I was the happiest 6-year-old ever,” said Soto.

Soto says he wants these kids to have the confidence to make it, and these kids will shape our future.

“They’re able to walk through life understanding that they are their best selves no matter what anyone says,” said Soto.

According to Soto, he’s been doing this for a few years and plans on doing another event like this next year, with the goal of making this an annual event.


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