The ICAC task force works to solve the ever-growing issue of crimes against children online


RICHLAND, Wash.- With growing access and ever-evolving technology more and more children are becoming the victims of internet-based crimes, Richland Police Department is working to solve that issue

The Southeast Regional Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force is a subset of the state-wide task force run out of Seattle. The southeast regional branch task force is made up of several local agencies including Richland Police Department Kennewick Police Department and Homeland Security.

According to the Richland Police Department Investigations commander Damon Jansen, this task force was formed out of a need to solve the growing number of internet-based crimes.

Jansen tells me that they work to solve the crimes and support the victims but the goal is to prevent these crimes from happening in the first place.

“These crimes are just growing as so many people have different devices kids of younger ages are getting devices. schools are providing devices and they’re just everywhere and so therefore the opportunities for different crimes are just expanding exponentially. “ Said Jansen.

According to Jansen members must have expertise in different hardware and computer software and undergo specialized training to target these crimes.

Claire Venema, the Community Outreach Specialist for the Richland Police Department tells me that communication with your kids is the key to keeping them safe.

“The biggest thing for parents I always say is really on. Keep in touch with your kids.” Said Claire.

She says that asking what they’re downloading and asking them why is extremely important.

According to Claire if you do come across inappropriate material or conversations on your Child’s phone do not delete it.

“Preserve the evidence. your inclination first may be to delete it and get rid of it. it’s you know terrible or whatever don’t that’s a mobile crime scene as we’d like to call it.” Said Claire.

According to Claire a large focus for the task force in 2024 will be education within different community groups.


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