Poultry farm in Kennewick presumed positive for bird flu


KENNEWICK, Wash. — A large commercial flock of birds in Kennewick has been reported by the Washington Department of Agriculture (WSDA) as the first presumed positive avian influenza case in the state affecting such flocks. Investigation into the poultry farm’s flock began late in the second week of December, according to the press release from the Benton-Franklin Health District (BFHD), with results expected soon.

All employees who handled the affected birds have been contacted by the district and given resources for testing and medication options, according to the press release. There is a low health risk for the public and those around the birds at this time, with no human cases recorded in the state. BFHD is still exercising caution due to a “high level of respiratory infections (RSV, flu and COVID-19) in our community.”

The affected properties have been quarantined, according to the WSDA. Thousands of birds are infected, and the flock’s owner is working with BFHD and WSDA to maintain safety among employees.

“Rapid, humane euthanasia of all birds on the premises is critical to contain the outbreak,” said WSDA. “Poultry products from the flock will not enter the food supply system.”

To further maintain safety, BFHD is asking all poultry growers, operators and owners in the Benton and Franklin areas to look out for signs of the bird flu. Health officials will monitor commercial flocks within ten kilometers of the infected flock’s property. Domestic flock owners should also stay vigilant and can report observations online.

BFHD recommends keeping your family safe by following proper poultry food safety standards. Always wash your hands and sanitize equipment and cook stations. Do not wash poultry or eggs. Keep raw meat separate from cooked meat. Raw meat should be stored at 40 degrees or lower in the fridge, or 0 degrees or lower in the freezer. Make sure poultry is cooked through entirely with an internal temperature of 165 degrees.


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