Paper shredding, drug takeback scheduled for April 27 in Yakima


YAKIMA, Wash. – The Yakima County Sheriff’s Office, Yakima County Crime Stoppers and Safe Yakima Valley are hosting is yearly ‘Shreds & Meds’ event on Sat., April 27.

The event will take place at the Greater Yakima Chamber of Commerce at 10 N Ninth St. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Community members can bring old documents that have personal and financial information to be shredded, including old bank statements, checks and credit card statements.

Safe Yakima Valley notes that the event is limited to one truck. If the truck is filled before 1 p.m., no more documents can be accepted.

Unused and expired medication can also be brought in to be safely disposed. Both services are free, however donations for Yakima County Crime Stoppers is appreciated.

More information on Shreds & Meds can be found on the Safe Yakima Valley website.


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