Outdoor Workers Guaranteed Heat Protections



As a summer heatwave continues across Washington many industries, including agriculture, building, and road construction, are required to take steps to protect workers from heat and smoke hazards.

Employers must monitor air quality and temperatures, provide training and information, and make sure workers take breaks from the heat.

“Water, shade, rest and close observation can help save workers from the real risks of serious heat illness this week,” said Craig Blackwood, Assistant Director of L&I’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health.

Extra protection for outdoor workers in Washington State kick in when the temperature reaches 89 degrees.

Outdoor Heat Exposure Rules include:

Employers having cool water available for all workers.

Having enough shade to fully cover workers during breaks.

Workers should be encouraged to take paid cool down breaks.

Observation and communication methods should be in place to respond to signs of heat illness.

For more information on these rules or on workers rights in extreme heat, please visit https://Lni.wa.gov/HeatSmart


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