Eastern Oregon Forests Enact Use Restrictions



Due to increased fire danger and dry weather conditions, Phase A of Oregon’s Public Use Restrictions (PUR) will go into effect in the Umatilla and Wallowa-Whitman National Forests on Thursday.

Under Phase A, the wildfire risk is considered moderate to high. PURs are phased in as conditions warrant and may vary from forest to forest.

Starting at 12:01 am on Thursday:

Smoking will only be allowed in enclosed vehicles, buildings, and cleared areas.

Chainsaw use will be limited to the hours of 8 am to 1 pm.

Vehicles may only travel on roads cleared of flammable material.

Campers are also being reminded to be fire aware and to be extra careful with campfires.

For more information on forest use restriction visit www.bmidc.org or http://bicc-jdidc.org/index.shtml


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