Oregon steer named Romeo officially the tallest in the world


By Dean Murray via SWNS

A six-year-old steer named Romeo has been crowned the world’s tallest, standing higher than Hollywood beefcake Jason Momoa.

The animal measures 6 ft 4.5 ins (1.94 m), earning it a new Guinness World Records (GWR) title as the tallest living steer.

At just 10 days old, the Holstein breed of cattle was rescued from a dairy farm and now calls Welcome Home Animal Sanctuary in Creswell, Oregon, his home.

His owner, Misty Moore, co-founder of the animal sanctuary, says, “In the dairy industry, male calves like Romeo are often deemed as mere byproducts, their destinies predetermined by profit margins. But fate had a different plan for Romeo that day.”

“With open arms and boundless love, we welcomed him into our sanctuary. From the beginning, he was a survivor, and we could tell that he was longing for a fulfilled life. It became our mission to grant him that life – a life filled with safety, compassion, and unwavering attention.”

“With every nuzzle and playful skip, Romeo reminds us of the profound bond that exists between humans and animals – a bond built on trust, nurtured by love, and strengthened by solidarity. When we look into Romeo’s eyes, we see not just a steer, but a symbol of resilience, a beacon of hope, and a gentle reminder that every act of kindness, no matter how small, has the power to change the world.”

GWR notes: “He loves to eat, especially apples and bananas. He consumes a whopping 100 pounds of hay each day, along with extra grain and treats. His size also requires special transportation and taller shelters to ensure his comfort.”

Romeo and the Welcome Home Animal Sanctuary celebrated his record-breaking height with extra hugs and treats.

“Aquaman” star Jason Momoa stands at 6 feet 4 inches tall.


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