KPD and RPD share helpful tips to avoid skimmers year-round


TRI-CITIES, Wash. — The Kennewick Police Department and Richland Police Department are reminding the community of credit card skimmers.

Skimmers are usually attached to the inside of credit card readers. They say it can be hard to know when a has one attached because they meant to look like real readers.

KPD & RPD say they are often installed at bank ATMs, gas pumps and even inside stores.

The two departments shared these tips to keep your bank account and money safe when shopping during the holidays.

Look at the card reader check for any signs of tampering. For instance, do the colors match?

Another step, check the numbers pad. If they seem a little loose and like the number pad might fall off then avoid using it.

If the card reader has a sticker on the top left saying “Do Not Remove,” then it means it;s an authentic reader.

Consider using your debit card as a credit card to avoid your pin being taken.

Lastly, check your bank account often to see if there’s any transactions you haven’t made recently. If there is, call your bank immediately.


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