Woman captures stunning shot of cloud shaped like a heart


By Dean Murray via SWNS

A woman has captured pictures of a heart shape in the clouds.

Michelle Duffy, 45, managed to snap the charming sight on her iPhone on Monday (May 20).

She explains: “I took it from my garden in Garrison, County Fermanagh in Northern Ireland.

“My thoughts were that looked very cool and, of course, I had to grab the phone to get a photo.

“The sky was so blue and had been very clear and we were due to thunderstorms later that day.

“It just made me smile. So absolutely thrilled to see this beauty in the sky.”

Michelle, an artist and owner of the Camlake Canvas gallery in Garrison, has been inspired by the quirky cloud formation, saying “I’m definitely going to try to capture this one on canvas.”

This was Michelle’s second heart-shaped sighting in the sky.

She says: “I captured a heart in the sunset a year or so ago over the Atlantic Ocean in Donegal.”


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