Whitstran Elementary student Chelsi Dormaier to compete at national level for archery


PROSSER, Wash. –

The National Archery in Schools Program (NASP) Championship was held in Prosser on March 18 and hundreds of fourth through twelfth grade students from all over Washington competed.

A list of all 2023 Washington NASP Championship Winners and 2023 Washington NASP 3D Challenge winners can be found here.

Chelsi Dormaier won second place in her grade level for both archery bullseye and 3D competition. She even placed twenty-fifth out of the over one-hundred students all the way up to the high school level hitting seven “Ten’s” during the bullseye. Now she will move on to the national competition in Utah this April.“I’m excited for flying, meeting new people, getting to shoot again, because I just like pulling back the bow and then releasing it,” she said.

She said her parents and coaches gave her the confidence to compete and even convinced her to try the 3D target competition.

“Her hard work has paid off she has been practicing on a daily basis at lunch time and then comes in after school as well and she’s been diligent and prepared for this,” said archery instructor Wendy Applegate.

Dormaier will be the fifth Whitstran Elementary student to go to nationals and the first girl from the school to make it.

Appelgate said she’s helping her prepare for the event and has even let her take home a target for practice outside of school.

“I can’t stop thinking about it… Just giving her the opportunity to compete with other archers that are to her caliber and seeing what a national level this can be and how far she can go with it,” she said.


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