WDFW looking for the person who killed a black bear and took its head


The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife says that someone killed a black bear, north of Lyle in Klickitat County, then removed its head and feet and left behind the carcass.

WDFW says that on December 12th, a citizen called into to report that they found the body of the bear. Officers say it was estimated to be about 175 pounds and was missing its head and all four paws, which appeared to be cut off. The department says there were no signs of trauma like road rash or a gunshot wound were found.

Not far away from the bear carcass, the WDFW officer found a box of tomatoes, a carton of half-and-half and a bag of avocados.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call WDFW at 360-902-2936 option 1. You can also go to wdfw.wa.gov and click on violations, or text WDFWTIP to 847411. Those who provide information leading to an arrest may be eligible for a cash reward or bonus points for special permit hunting opportunities.