Water safety tips


TRI-CITIES, Wash.- With hot weather on the way and many people getting ready to hit the river it’s important to remember some basic water safety tips.

According to the CDC drowning is the leading cause of death for children 1-4 years-old, yet it is preventable. Several resources on drowning prevention and water safety are available for families and those who enjoy spending time on the river.

Dr. Chinenyenwa Mpamaugo, a pediatric resident at the University of Washington School of Medicine, has three tips that all families should keep in mind around water.

Always wear a life jacket: No matter how strong a swimmer a child may be they should always have a life jacket for open water activities, such as boating or swimming.Avoid alcohol and other brain-affecting substances: Stay alert of your surroundings and the potentially changing water conditions at all times.Use the buddy system: Swim with a buddy or with a lifeguard nearby.


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