Wanted Richland man found dead west of Cle Elum


CLE ELUM, Wash.- The Kittitas County Sheriff’s Office announced in a press release Saturday that they had found a wanted man dead west of Cle Elum.

The Richland man, Fernando Flores, 28, was found by KCSO deputies and Kittitas County Search & Rescue dogs.

Flores was wanted after crashing a stolen car last Sunday night on Golf Course Road with another man who has already been arrested.

KCSO says Flores was found in tall grass and brush near where his cell phone was last active.

Deputies believe Flores died following injuries sustained from the accident however the Kittitas County Coroner’s Office is investigating the cause.

A woman was also injured in the initial crash from Sunday night. She has since been released from Harborview Hospital’s Critical Care Unit and is expected to recover.


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