WA Lawmaker: Ankle monitor could have prevented West Richland double-murder


SEATTLE, Wash.-One Washington lawmaker believes that a simple GPS ankle monitor could have prevented Elias Huizar from killing two women in West Richland before going on the run with his one-year-old son.

Rep. Lauren Davis (D), who represents Washington’s 32nd Legislative District on the west side of the state, believes that an ankle monitor, which became legal in Washington in 2020, could have prevented the tragedy that ended with Huizar killing himself outside Eugene, OR.

According to KING 5 reporting on the story, Rep. Davis believes the courts should have required Huizar to wear an ankle monitor that communicated with the victim, Huizar’s ex-wife Amber Rodriguez.

The ankle monitor would have communicated with Rodriguez in real time through an app on her cell phone that would have provided her time to escape, according to Rep. Davis.

Huizar was under court order to have no contact with children and Rodriguez had a protection order against him, according to KING.

Rep. Davis told King that the GPS ankle monitor technology is not being used due to a lack of familiarity with the technology throughout Washington’s court system


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