Two deaths now reported from Salmonella outbreak, CDC expands cantaloupe recall


ATLANTA, GA.-Salmonella case counts linked to cantaloupe and pre-cut fruit products have doubled in the past week, to include 99 people in 32 states.

Since the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s last update on Nov. 17, an additional 45 people have been hospitalized and Minnesota has reported two deaths from the outbreak.

The recall of whole and pre-cut cantaloupe has also expanded in the past week, according to the CDC, to include: Rudy brand whole cantaloupes, Freshness Guaranteed brand and RaceTrac brand pre-cut cantaloupes.

What to do if you have these cantaloupe products:

Do not eat any recalled products. Throw the cantaloupe away or return it to the place of purchase.Wash any surfaces the cantaloupe came into contact with.Call your healthcare provider if you experience any salmonella symptoms, including diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration.


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