Toppenish High students can now access Heritage University Library


TOPPENISH, Wash.-Toppenish High students can now access the library and resources at Heritage University.

“This opportunity will enable our students to expand their horizons and achieve academic excellence,” said Toppenish teacher Brenda Barragan.

The Toppenish High library closed in 2020 for the school’s new career center according to a press release on the recent agreement between the schools.

However, students still need access to library services, such as space to do research projects, access to books and databases, free internet and computer access, and a quiet space to read, learn and write according to teacher Brenda Barragan.

To address the need for library space and services Toppenish High staff approached Heritage University with the request to have high school students access the Donald K.C. North Library.

Heritage University and Toppenish High recently signed a memorandum of agreement (MOA) to allow chaperoned students to visit the library, access resources and check out materials according to today’s press release.

“The opportunity for Heritage to provide access to THS students we saw as a vital link to their education,” said Daniel Liestman, Heritage University’s Library Director. “In today’s world of fake news, misinformation, and rampant bias, it is imperative that students in both college and high school, become smart and savvy consumers of information.

The MOA between Toppenish High and Heritage will be in effect through the 2023-24 school year.


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