Survey: Most students don’t know when Thanksgiving is or where it was first celebrated


TRI-CITIES, Wash.-Thanksgiving is almost here, which is always a good time to brush up on some holiday facts, figures, history and trivia.

Brainly, the AI-powered educational tool recently surveyed 800 middle and high school students about what they knew about the traditional Thanksgiving Holiday.

According to Brainly’s survey, which is available online, a surprising number of students did not know where the first Thanksgiving was celebrated and could not identify which day of the year Thanksgiving always falls on.

Brainly’s Thanksgiving survey results:

Only 28% of students can identify what day of the year Thanksgiving falls on.60% of students do not know where the first Thanksgiving was celebrated.45% of students did not know that a sweet potato and yam are the same.25% of students did not know that pumpkins are a member of the squash family.31.8% of students prefer apple pie, while pumpkin pie was the second most preferred at 24.4%.


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