Start the year off outside with a First Day Hike in Washington’s State Parks


OLYMPIA, Wash.-Looking to get outdoors after the Holidays? Start the year off with a First Day Hike in a Washington State Park on Jan. 1.

Over 40 state parks throughout Washington are offering staff-led and self-guided hikes, snowshoe excursions, dog walks, bike and trail rides, paddle adventures and more on the first day of 2024.

First Day Hikes is a national initiative led by America’s State Parks, encouraging people to start the new year outside. According to Washington State Parks, over 1,500 people participated in First Day Hikes last year.

First Day Hikes events will range in difficulty from paved, flat ADA-accessible trails to moderate hill climbs, according to Washington State Parks.

First Day Hikes by region and registration information are available through the State Parks website.


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