Six massage parlors shut down in Kennewick


KENNEWICK, Wash.- Six Kennewick massage parlors were shut down on Tuesday, May 16 for criminal activity and licensing violations.

According to the KPD the closures were the result of a months-long investigation initiated after the Department received complaints about the businesses.

The KPD and local law enforcement agencies and the Washington state Department of Health conducted compliance checks on six massage parlors.

All six of the businesses checked were closed for non-compliance of licensing requirements according to the KPD, and four were found to be offering sexual services.

According to the KPD, Joy Spa, Shangri La Massage, Dream Spa, VIP Massage, Fragrant Oil Spa and Royal Massage were all shut down.

The local nonprofit Mirror Ministries, that provides support for survivors of human trafficking, assisted with services and support for females that were contacted during the compliance checks.


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