Shred Day 2023: what to shred


TRI-CITIES, Wash.- Shred Day is Friday, April 21 from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Tri-Cities and Yakima. The event is an opportunity to safely dispose of personal pagers and documents while keeping your identity safe.

Bring two bags or bankers boxes of documents to shred to Numerica Credit Union on W. Kennewick Ave or to Yakima Neighborhood Health Services on 8th St. in Yakima.

Some things are more important to shred than others and some documents can be held on to a little longer than others according to Numerica.

Things to keep: Tax returns, regular bank statements and pay stubs.

Things to shred: Utility bills and other statements, deposit and withdrawal slips and any other documents with personal information that you no longer need.


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