Richland School District Asking For Feedback


Richland – Richland parents are looking for answers about a survey that was sent out last week by the Richland School District. Many parents thought that this survey was RSD’S way of looking for their support to not follow state mandates in Richland schools anymore. The Richland School Board tells NBC Right Now that the survey is simply for feedback and nothing else.

“Those questions were just more along the lines of the process in which we make decisions. The board would never jeopardize or defy any state laws or mandates” said Jill Oldson, President of the Richland School Board.

RSD also sent out this statement:

As the Richland School Board looks for a path forward through the COVID-19 pandemic, it sought community perspective on the district’s efforts to date on school safety, student support and COVID-19 precautions. District leaders sent out the survey at the Board’s direction to gather feedback for the Board to consider.

If you have any questions about the survey or just questions in general you can email


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