Red Cross prepares for emergency response during wildifre season



Each year the Red Cross trains its volunteers to be ready for emergency response and with fire season well upon us, volunteers are ready for the call.

According to the Executive Director of the Southeastern Washington chapter of the American Red Cross, there’s constant communication between the Red Cross and Emergency Management during natural disasters.

It partners with local churches or schools to be able to set up when it’s time to get ready, get set and go.

“We have shelter agreements with a lot of times that’s going to be a school, it’s going to be a church but we call our partners for shelter and let them know that we’re going to be opening up an evacuation center or shelter.” says Michele Roth.

And when the call comes in, volunteers and partners quickly work together to ensure those evacuating have a place to go.

Evacuation centers will usually have next step resources and food. Shelters tend to have places where those displaced can sleep for the night. In a what-if scenario, both have resources for people to find temporary housing and other options.

However, Michele recommends families should always have a “go bag” ready for the what-if day.

She suggests packing extra clothes, personal belongings, medicine, medical equipment and if you have kids- entertainment.

She tells me the Red Cross offers free training for kids in schools to learn about emergency responses and packing a go bag. Depending on what the kids learn, trainees ask the kids what examples of things they would pack.

Michele tells me the Red Cross has Disaster Health Volunteers to help track down and refill prescriptions you may need.

“We have volunteers that are trained and ready to be there and be where they’re needed most.” says Michele.

Volunteers make up about 90% of the Red Cross all working hard to ensure everyone is safe.


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