Police report illegal card skimmers at Richland Walmart


RICHLAND, Wash. — The Richland Police Department has reported incidents involving credit card skimmers at the Walmart location in Richland.

Card skimming is a fraud technique that tampers with card readers in order to track peoples’ card information. Several readers at the Richland Walmart had skimmer covers, designed to fit on top of actual card readers and look legitimate, according to RPD.

The incident is isolated to the Richland Walmart and RPD is not currently aware of any others. However, it reports the fraud has been a trend in the area before, warning it could become popular again. RPD says Walmart has removed all of the skimmers.

In order to keep your money safe and accounts secure, RPD has issued some tips for avoiding skimmers.

Look at the card reader before putting your card in. Check if it looks tampered with, if the colors match, etc. Physically check the reader and number pad. Check if it’s secure and how easily it comes apart. Use your debit card to avoid using your PIN number. Check for cameras and cover your PIN should you enter it.


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