PETA to donate empathy-building resources to Yakima schools


YAKIMA, Wash.-The Yakima School District announced it will accept the donation of empathy-building children’s books and resources from TeachKind, PETA’s humane education division.

TeachKind originally offered to provide the kindness-to-animals materials to Yakima schools in a letter on Dec. 11. 2023, following a string of animal abuse and deaths in Yakima County.

“Yakima School District values the importance of nurturing compassion and empathy in our students,” Superintendent Trevor Greene said in a press release announcing the donation. “We gratefully accept PETA’s book donation as a tool to reinforce values and beliefs within parts of our community.”

According to a TeachKind press release, the books which will be sent to elementary libraries in the district teach children to consider the perspectives of all animals and to treat them with kindness.

Books and empathy-building books being sent to YSD:

“Buddy Unchained” in both English and Spanish.”Hey, Little Ant” in English and Spanish.”Love Me Gently” in English and Spanish.”Junebug: No Life Too Small.””My Name is Jessie.””Maverick and Me.””Hobbes Goes Home.”


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