Pathways to Hope connects mental illness to resources


YAKIMA, Wash.- Local leaders from the Yakima Association of Faith Communities came together to participate in the Pathways to Hope Conference to spread awareness to issues surrounding mental illness.

Hosted by the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the event kicked off with welcomes and remarks from NAMI members across the country including CEO Daniel Gillison, Jr.

As attendees broke out into small group seminars and workshops, there were options to attend teachings held by multiple religious leaders from different churches. At the panel on Faith Communities, leaders included Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and Sikh representatives.

The option to have multiple viewpoints was key as the conference’s goal was to help people suffering find a support system.

“Faith communities are a real source of support and a sense of community for individuals and that’s something we all need,” said Mary Stephenson, FaithNet Chair for NAMI Yakima. “We all need to have a sense of community somewhere.”

Latter-Day Saint representative LaDon Linde echoed Stephenson’s point on community.

“One of the things that I have noted among our members, as well as the community at large, over the last few years is an increase in mental health needs as a result of the pandemic and some of its effects,” said Linde.

With the seminars, a small resource fair was available for attendees with organizations including the OIC of Yakima and the Yakima Community Coalition.

Open for everyone, Cheryl Bennett-Washington, a volunteer at the NAMI resource booth, welcomed anyone who came to the table, emphasizing the need to know where to find resources.

“Everyone knows someone who’s affected by mental illness, whether it’s depression, possible suicidal thoughts, things of that nature,” said Bennett-Washington. “So, if you know someone that’s in need, you know the resources, you can hand them to those people and help them out.”


NAMI Helpline: 1-800-950-6564Crisis Support: Text “NAMI” to 741741National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-988-273-8255Local Crisis Line: 509-575-4200 or 1-800-572-8122


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