Paralympian Melissa Stockwell, Purple Heart and Bronze Star winner to speak at CWU



Central Washington University (CWU) will welcome Paralympian Melissa Stockwell to share her story as part of the Presidential Speaker Series on February 22 at 6 p.m. in the SURC ballroom.

Free tickets for the special event are available.

According to a CWU press release Stockwell joined the Army in 2002 and while deployed in Iraq in 2004 she lost her leg in a roadside bomb explosion. She is the first female soldier to lose a limb in active combat.

Stockwell received a Purple Heart and Bronze Star and went on to represent the United States in swimming at the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games.

She also competed as a triathlete at the 2016 and 2021 Paralympic Games.

She now operates Tolsma Stockwell Prosthetics and Orthotics out of Colorado Springs, designing and producing prosthetics and helping patients adapt to them through physical therapy according to CWU’s press release.


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