Outdoor grilling safety


OLYMPIA WASH.- Last year in Washington State barbeque fires caused over 10 million dollars in damages and 2,121 fires.

The Washington State Fire Marshalls office would like to share some outdoor grilling safety tips.

When setting up:

Ensure you check with your local fire agency about any burn or fire restrictions. Be sure that propane and charcoal grills are only used outdoorsKeep grills at least 10 inches away from any fences, Exterior walls of the house, Overhanging tree branches, and any other flammable materials. Insure the grill is on a flat and stable surfaceCheck that your gas cylinder hose does not have any leaks before use.

When lighting your grill

Use extreme caution no matter the type of grillAlways make sure the grill lid is open before lightingWhen using charcoal try using a charcoal chimney starter instead of lighter fluid. Never use gasoline or other flammable liquids other than lighter fluid.

For additional information, contact the State Fire Marshalls Office at (509) 569-3929



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