Non-profits pitch themselves to 100 Women Who Care


WALLA WALLA, Wash. – Three non-profits presented their case for a $10,000 donation to their cause to Walla Walla’s 100 Women Who Care chapter. Blue Mountain Therapeutic Riding, The Star Project and Blue Mountain Health Cooperative spoke for their organizations and what the donation would do for their mission.

Blue Mountain Health Cooperative took home the prize of $10,000 to treat mental health issues. The cooperative aims to provide accessible mental health services to the area to create a healthier community. Blue Mountain also provides workplace training to serve as a support system for partners.

The Walla Walla chapter’s founder says events like this one are huge for the community.

“We’ve had a lot of people over the years who are not sure where they can give back,” said Tera Davis. “A lot of times, people don’t have the opportunity to get out and give back in person, so this brings everyone together and allows them a place to hear about nonprofits in town.”


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