Lourdes, Trios Health invite local student athletes to $10 sports physical clinic on May 18


TRI-CITIES, Wash. – Local student athletes entering middle and high school are invited to a sports physical clinic hosted by Lourdes and Trios Health on Sat., May 18 in Kennewick.

The clinic takes place at the Trios Care Center at Vista Field from 9 a.m. to noon.

Students must bring a completed physical form from their school that is signed by a parent or legal guardian to perform the examination.

Each physical costs $10 with all funds going back to each student’s school sports program. Appointments are not necessary.

“This is a great community event with the dual purpose of being able to serve our local students with a low-cost option for their required sports physical and giving back to our local schools in a meaningful way,” said Trios Health CEO David Elgarico.

Lourdes Physician Clinics, Trios Medical Group providers and Trios Health resident physicians will provide the physicals. Volunteers will also be on site to provide height and weight checks, blood pressure stations and eye exam checks.

Students who wear glasses or contacts are asked to bring them for their visit. Cash and checks are the only accepted forms of payment with checks being written out to Trios Health.

Physical forms for Kennewick, Pasco and Richland school districts can be found online through Trios Health and Lourdes.


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