Local mariachi community mourns loss of Mexican “King of Rancheras” icon Vicente Fernandez


WENATCHEE AND PASCO, WA – Ignacio Chavez, former social worker and all-the-time mariachi member of Mariachi Estrella de Mexico founded in Wenatchee, WA shared his first memory of meeting Vicente Fernandez, the legendary mariachi singer known worldwide.

“I was in a place where they sell records. And this guy comes up to the lady and asks, “Can you put my record in front of everyone else’s so that it can sell more? and we asked, Who are you? and he goes “Vicente Fernandez.” said Chavez. “No one knew Vicente at the time. When he left we were making fun of him thinking, “this guy is crazy.” Little did we know that for the next 50 years he’d be number one in Mexican music and mariachi.”

Chavez, who performs with his children and son, Osvaldo Chavez, a teacher in the Pasco School District, says that more than 80% of their mariachi repertoire when they perform are Vicente Fernandez songs.

“That’s the case for mariachis all around the world.” said Chavez.

Vicente Fernandez, also known as the “King of Rancheras,” (rancheras are a genre of Mexican music from the ranches, detailing heartbreak, Mexican pride, and love) has won 3 Grammy’s, 8 Latin Grammy’s, is in the Billboard Latin Music Hall of Fame, and had his star inducted into the Hollywood Walk of Fame some years ago.

“His music is an example of Mexican music for Mexican artists.” said Chavez, “This is a huge loss and I don’t know what the future of ranchera music will look like without him.”

The singer was 81 and had fallen at his ranch in Guadalajara a few months ago. Since then, he has had complications with a spinal surgery. His amily has not confirmed exact details about his passing.

President of Mexico Andres Lopez Obrador tweeted yesterday, “I convey my condolences to the family, friends and millions of admirers of Vicente Fernandez, a symbol of the ranchera song of our time, known and recognized in Mexico and abroad.”

Even President Biden tweeted, “The music world has lost an icon. The music of Vicente Fernandez created memories for millions. We send our condolences to his family and all those who loved him. Vicente will be remembered for generations to come.”

Others who publicly commented on Vicente’s passing was Gloria Estefan, country music singer George Strait, Ricky Martin, and Mario Lopez.

“Vicente Fernandez has been heard at every Mexican party, quinceanera, baptism, wedding and more. we all grew up listening to him in our homes. He is the soundtrack of a lot of Mexicans and Mexican American’s childhood.” said Chavez, through tears in his eyes.

Chavez added, “Even people who don’t speak Spanish like Anglo-Americans or Mexican Americans here in the U.S. who’s Spanish was broken at least knew how to speak Spanish when it came to singing a Don Chente song.” said Chavez.

Chavez agreed saying Vicente Fernandez represented not just mariachi or rancheras, but also the Mexican culture to the rest of the world.

“Vicente showed the world what mariachi is. And he was a poor boy from a barrio in Mexico, who made this type of music, which was first popularized by poorer Mexican people and then adapted by classical opera singers. He brought all kinds of different classes together.” said Chavez


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