Local blacksmith makes works of art and looks to teach the craft



Blacksmith Benjamin Czyhold tells me had interest in metal work since he was young, going on to learn welding and other more modern work right out of high school.

Once someone introduced him to the Northwest Blacksmith Association, he found an interest in the craft and started to learn it.

For the last 15 years he said he’s been making different works, from architectural to sculptural and even dabbled a little in blade smithing.

“Steel, many people see steel as this immovable stiff and unyielding substance but when the steel is hot and up to its forging temperature it becomes almost like a stiff clay and it shapes and forms in different ways than you would expect,”Czyhold said.

He said he works at the forge six days a week taking Sunday’s off.

Some days he makes different custom architectural metalwork like railings or hooks. He even made the hinges and door handles of his workshop.

Czyhold makes smaller more artistic and novelty works like bottle openers with a beard and cowboy hat.

He sells some of his smaller works at Walla Walla’s farmers market and the persistent market where he sometimes demonstrates the craft.

Metalwork has been a part of the family for generations according to Czyhold. With his grandfather and great grandfather doing small amounts of blacksmithing in their day to help around the farm.

“Back in their time they knew a measure of the craft just as a rancher or a farmer today would know a measure of metal fabrication and welding for themselves, they knew a bit of blacksmithing,” he said.

Others have inspired him to start teaching the craft. He said he’s already started preparing his shop for students to come and learn.

“My father inspired me and I’ve worked under seven different master blacksmiths over my time in the craft. it’s largely been through their efforts that I’ve – that I am where I am today,” he said. He said people interested in learning the craft should reach out to him directly.


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