Local 5-year-old and 7-year-old get COVID vaccine; here's their experience


KENNEWICK, WA – Local mom, Galen Greenwalt, reached out to KNDU to have us document her children receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and their experience.

“The statistics and science prove that the Pfizer vaccine is safe and effective for kids but I think that many people tend to believe more personal stories. They hear one bad story on Facebook and get scared.” said Galen Greenwalt. “So hopefully by sharing our story, people see the positive experience we had so they can be encouraged by it.”

Ever since the FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine for use in kids 5-11 and older on October 29th, Galen was waiting to make that appointment for her daughter Elfriede (5) and her son Silas (7).

Their appointment was a Walgreen’s.

“We have been waiting for the vaccine to be approved for children. We are all vaccinated and now the children are so we can get back to some kind of normal.” said father, Adam Greenwalt.

The Greenwalt’s waited for a few minutes, then each child received the Pfizer vaccine. They were told to wait 15 minutes by the healthcare provider, per usual when anyone gets the vaccine.

“I’m very happy with the process. It was smooth and easy.” said Adam.

The kids thought so too.

“It didn’t hurt. It just felt like a pine-needle pricked my skin.” said Silas Greenwalt.

His sister, Elfriede, agreed.

“We haven’t been anywhere since COVID started. Not even the store.” said Galen.

Their precaution is due to the number of COVID cases spiking in children. With children have been one of the biggest factors of COVID outbreaks in 18 Washington counties. According to the Washington Department of Health, 11-13 year-olds, for overall COVID cases, account for the highest case rate compared to all ages. Children ages 4-10 accounted for 41 percent of the COVID cases in these outbreaks

Additionally, the American Academy of Pediatrics shared findings that with the 6 million COVID cases for children, about 1 million of those were just in one month this last September 3rd to September 30th. 41 children died from COVID from September 2nd to October 2nd. A child younger than 10 died in Spokane of COVID a few months ago.

Considering this, the Greenwalt’s can sum up what they feel in one word: relief.

“We are excited to get back to doing things we did pre-pandemic now that everyone, including the children are vaccinated.” said Adam.

Even a few days later, the Greenwalt’s said the children were not experiencing any vaccine side-effects except for a little sore arm on the first day.

You can make vaccine appointments for your child at a local pharmacy, ike Walgreens, clinics, or even your doctor’s office.


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