Law enforcement de-escalates situation after gun reported at Walla Walla fire station


WALLA WALLA, Wash.-Police and Walla Walla County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to Fire Station 1 after an individual entered the station with a gun.

According to Walla Walla County Undersheriff Joe Klundt, the individual walked into the station through an open bay door around 8:10 a.m. as firefighters were performing morning equipment checks.

After a brief interaction with firefighters the individual pulled out a gun.

Police Officers and Deputies responded and were able to de-escalate the situation and disarm the individual without harm to anyone, according to Undersheriff Klundt.

The gun turned out to be a cap gun and was not pointed directly at anyone during the incident according to the Sheriff’s Office.

The suspect was assisted at the scene by crisis professionals.


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