Kittitas County Sheriff’s Office receives professional accreditation


KITTITAS COUNTY, Wash.-The Kittitas County Sheriff’s Office has been accredited by the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (WASPC).

The KCSO announced the achievement on Nov. 16. To achieve accreditation an agency must undergo an external audit that takes place in several stages over an eight month timeframe, according to a press release from the KCSO.

“We committed to accreditation because our county deserves to know their Sheriff’s Office operates by proven professional standards,” said KCSO Sheriff Myers.

As part of the audit KCSO’s policies and practices were measured against 145 recognized best practices in every area of operations including hiring, training, criminal procedures, investigations, evidence management, lawful use of force, complaint investigations, civil rights, and constitutional standards.

“Our community has invested tremendous trust in us, and our commitment to accreditation is just one way we’re working to be worthy of that trust,” said Sheriff Myers.


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