‘Just don’t’: Moses Lake Police arrest man who pointed BB gun at another driver


Most would assume it’s widely frowned upon to point guns at people, whether they’re real or fake, but the Moses Lake Police Department is reiterating that point after an incident on Thursday.

In a PSA on Facebook, MLPD said: “As a friendly reminder, we urge you not to point guns at people in fits of anger, even if the gun ends up being fake.”

Police say a man was arrested after pointing a realistic looking BB gun out the window at another driver.

“The suspect told officers he was having a ‘bad day’ and said the gun ‘isn’t even real.’ The suspect didn’t seem to grasp what all the fuss was about,” MLPD wrote.

A photo with the post showed the gun in question, which looks very indistinguishable from a real gun.

“As many law-abiding members of our community choose to carry firearms for self-defense, this suspect is very lucky all he got was a trip to the jail and felony charges,” MLPD said.

“So, don’t. Just don’t.”

MLPD couldn’t help but take a couple more stabs, adding some further savagery to the post with the hashtags: #CloseEnoughToDieFor, #HowDoYouDriveAroundWithYourHeadUpThere, #InstantLeadPoisoning.