Just Between Friends brings children’s clothes to Kennewick


KENNEWICK, Wash. – Just Between Friends, a children’s clothing resale company, is holding a pop-up resale event at the Southridge Sports Complex in Kennewick from September 29 to October 1.

The event is meant to give parents a head start on purchasing clothes for their kids who are going back to school.

JBF is offering deals between 50% and 90% off on recycled clothing like shirts, boots, hats, gloves and more.

“Everyone seems to be more aware today about the importance of selling and buying things their kids have outgrown for sustainability and cost,” said local mother Kimberly Karspeck. “Who wants to fill up our landfills and pay full price when you can buy something at JBF that’s just as fashionable and costs a whole lot less?”

The event goes from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday and Saturday of the event and from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Sunday where most items will sell for half off.

More information can be found on the JBF website.


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