JROTC unit coming to Hanford High next school year



Starting in the fall Hanford High will be home to the only U.S. Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) in the Tri-Cities.

According to a Richland School District (RSD) press release, school and district leaders along with community members have worked for nearly a decade to bring a JROTC program to the Richland School District.

“Beyond its ability to prepare students for future careers, JROTC has been shown to increase student attendance, boost graduation rates, reduce discipline issues and so much more,” says Ryan Beard, RSD’s Career & Technical Education (CTE) director.

According to today’s press release JROTC is designed to prepare students for a future as an Army officer, the program’s focus on leadership skills, character development and self-discipline are valuable for any student whether they pursue a military career or not.

Hanford and RSD staff are now working on hiring instructors and securing classroom space to support the JROTC program.

“We are excited to welcome JROTC to Hanford High and so fortunate to have other educational partners helping us launch this new opportunity for our students,” said Principal Mike Johnson.


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