I-1639 safety course requirements for purchasing semi-automatic rifles to take effect July 1


At the start of July, Washingtonians wishing to purchase a semi-automatic rifle will be required to attend a firearms safety course.

Under Initiative I-1639, State law mandates the classes be be sponsored by a federal, state, county or municipal law enforcement agency, a college or university, a nationally recognized organization that customarily offers firearms training, or a firearms training school with certified instructors.

The Washington Office of the Attorney General says the training must include instruction on:

Basic firearms safety rules;

Firearms and children, including secure gun storage and talking to children about gun safety;

Firearms and suicide prevention;

Secure gun storage to prevent unauthorized access and use;

Safe handling of firearms; and

State and federal firearms laws, including prohibited firearms transfers.

Several courses are expected to be available throughout the area, but the Quincy Police Department says it will be hosting a pair of the safety courses Tuesday, one at 5 p.m. and the following at 5:45 p.m. Those wishing to enroll should email clerks@quincypd.org with their name, address and phone number.

The classes are not limited to Quincy residents and have no costs, but have a cap of 30 students and require Washington identification.

“If you cannot make this class, more will be held in the future,” Quincy PD said. “So be careful of online courses or those offering a “cheap” solution. We don’t want you being taken advantage of financially or being charged with a crime later because your certificate is invalid.”

Other provisions under I-1639 to take effect on Monday include enhanced background checks/waiting period requirements, criminal liability for failure to follow storage requirements, and safety warning/safe storage requirements for dealers.